Teaching history and geography on the basis of national values: theory and practice

On April 22, 2021, according to the plan of the K. Zhubanov State University, the Faculty of history

“Teaching history and geography on the basis of national values: theory and practice»
a regional methodological seminar was held on the topic:

National values are the moral principles of each nation that have been passed down from father to son for centuries.

Language, mentality, traditions, literature and art are the spiritual wealth of the nation. Thanks to these values, we have preserved our national identity and become known to the world. Therefore, the topic of today’s methodological seminar is the topical issue of how we have achieved these values from yesterday to today, whether we can bring them to tomorrow.
More than 100 people took part in the regional methodological seminar organized by the Faculty of history in the Zoom format. In general, thanks to the publication in social networks of the planned methodological seminar at the regional level, the geography of the seminar participants was distinguished from the regional level by the presence of representatives of educational institutions of several regions of Kazakhstan. The participants were directors of secondary schools from Aktobe and regional districts, subject teachers, teachers of history and geography from Almaty, Kyzylorda region, methodologist of the District Department of education from West Kazakhstan region, specialists of the scientific and methodological Center, M. Tynyshbayev, teacher of Aktau transport college, alga industrial and technical college, students of the Faculty of history, etc.

During the seminar, head of the Department of the Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, candidate of philosophy Sarsembin Umbetkhan Kuandykovich, teacher of the Department of history and religious studies, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Abenov Daulet Kusainovich, Head of the Center for educational and methodological work and distance education of the University Kadyrkulova Ainur Nuraddinovna, Chief Inspector of the Center for research, restoration and protection of historical and cultural heritage Aliaskarova Marzhan Moldakhmetovna on the topic:” ways to introduce national values into the educational process at the University”, head of the Department of geography and tourism, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. -Abdenov Aydin Zhaksanovich, Of particular interest were the reports on the topic” experience in using the opportunities of national values in lyceums of education and innovation”, geography teacher of the highest category of Aktobe girls Lyceum of Education and innovation, teacher-researcher, master of Pedagogical Sciences Sauleeva Elmira Doyrbaevna, geography teacher of Secondary School No. 4 Kandyagash city ZHULDYZ Bakytovna on the topic” ways to increase the interest of schoolchildren in national values”, teacher-expert Ordabayeva Zhuldyz Bakytovna.

During the exchange of views, the participants of the seminar expressed their gratitude to the organizers and made suggestions. Especially if the methodological seminars on this topic were continued, and the exchange of experience at the inter – regional level, the creation of a trinity of University – School-historical sites, etc.received widespread support.

The purpose of the seminar was to discuss topical issues in the process of education and upbringing, exchange of experience.

The seminar was moderated by the chairman of the methodological Council of the Faculty of history Aidarova Akmaral Ziyashkyzy, summing up the valuable thoughts of our speakers, noting that today it is important to work together as a country in order to preserve the spiritual wealth of the nation and bring it to the future.