Chair of national history and historical disciplines – Achievements

Chair of national history and historical disciplines

The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment


The department maintains contact with such scientific centers and higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and CIS countries, such as the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leningrad State University named after A.Pushkin, Ch.Valikhanov National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov and others.

The Department constantly maintains scientific, educational and methodical relations with foreign universities and scientists. In the framework of the implementation of such ties, the Hungarian scientists A. Biro and M. Dobrovich (2011), the scientist of the University of Liverpool A. Morisson (2012), the Japanese scientist K. Macutsato and the Hong Kong scientist N. Pioncholli (2013), Professor of St. Petersburg State University A.I. Kubyshkin (2015), professor at Indiana University East K. Rees (2017), French professor V. Furnio (2018) gave special courses and conducted seminars for our students and undergraduates.

Two teachers of the Department were awarded the title of “The Best Teacher of the University” (D.Sc. Zhumaganbetov T.S. in 2008, Ph.D. Izbassarova G.B. in 2012).

The teachers of the Department take part in various international scientific projects and competitions. Teachers such as Izbasarova G.B., Perevezentsev A.L., Medeubaev E.I. won international grants and conducted research internships in the United States, Japan, Turkey, Russia, etc.

The staff of the Department took an active part in organizing and conducting at the University of international scientific and theoretical conferences “The interaction of Kazakhstan with neighboring countries in the XVIII – early XX centuries: a modern look at the problem” (2004), “The historical experience of the modernization of the Turkic Muslim peoples in USSR “(2008) and others.

The department trains undergraduates and doctoral students in the specialties “6M020300 History”, “6D020300 History” and for the implementation of academic mobility, conducting scientific internships, strengthening scientific ties concluded relevant agreements with universities in Russia (Orenburg, Saratov, St. Petersburg), USA, Turkey , Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekstan.


The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment